GQ earns its keep by asking apparent immortal Patrick Stewart to read one-star reviews of famous monuments. It’s less than..
All posts by Gainsayer
Lithub has an article by Hans Corneel de Roos detailing how he discovered an alternate text of Dracula. Apparently, demented Irish scribbler Bram Stoker..
A “subjective encyclopedia”, described by its creators as a “freak of publishing nature” designed to save a struggling Norwegian bookshop..
In a world of mesmerizing factory floor videos, it was only a matter of time before someone made of digital..
First, how’s your battery life R2-D2? Gizmodo reports that your Facebook app may be draining your Android battery life by..
Patrick Willems makes youtube videos. One of these videos is his interpretation of what an X-men movie would like in..
There’s no such thing as a free lunch Wifi connection. Airport have long had a plague of people setting up..
As we drown in the long distance, quixotic swim-meet we call life, we get a great deal of flotsam dropped..
Billionaire real estate mogul, reality TV show star, Presidential candidate, and sufferer of Narcissistic personality disorder Donald Trump has seen..
Software engineer Dan Vanderkam has made OldNYC, a google maps mod that features vintage pictures of the city that never..