
Monthly Must Reads-November

dfe0579c93ed82c27dc911c9a21ff851First, how’s your battery life R2-D2? Gizmodo reports that your Facebook app may be draining your Android battery life by 20%
With your newfound battery life, watch as NPR continues its Tiny Desk series with a performance by Tegan and Sara, so check it out if you want to know what album/haircut to get next.

Speaking of news you can use, here is a list of news you shouldn’t use. Mostly a list of fake news sites that have plagued Social media this year, a few are just low quality sites the author doesn’t care for.

And you may need strong medicine for this: Britain is Brexiting from Homeopathic remedies, declaring them snake oil and possibly other old timey things. Interestingly, they are not banning the products, but requiring them to say they don’t work.